Sunday 14 April 2019

Paragons Of Virtue Superhero Novels Update

Hi there Believers!

Been a while!

I was working hard on getting my galactic military sci fi novel "Dark Light" finished [featuring a certain muscular female alien who'll hit the streets - literally - very soon] before National Novel Writing Month in November 18, then used that to start the Arubatorosu novel [working title Samurai Soul] and that's been crawling for months. 

Really challenged by this one, trying to keep the vibe of the original masked martial artist with very little to say, while once and for all telling the story of how a black youth rose to the heights of Yakuza Oyabun.

So while that continues to simmer in the stew pot, I'll give you a teaser of Book 8 by letting you see the comic strip version of the Paragons' origin story.  This was the Champions RPG game play of the Vipers' Nest scenario that came in the box, and in this scene its the Combat In Christopher Park - a battle I remember fondly from the late eighties.