Sunday, 1 December 2019

Paragons Of Virtue Book 4 First Draft Complete!

This November, you wrote a novel. This is no small feat. Fifty-thousand words in 30 days requires you to develop a mastery of time: collecting seconds, minutes, and hours every day to create something brand new out of that shining raw material.
What an incredible way to shape your time, your space. Thank you for writing. Thank you for doing it with us. Congratulations, again and again, many times into the future.

Yes indeed - the 4th book in the Paragons Of Virtue series [featuring the black Yakuza martial artist Arubatorosu] is finished.

Well... the first draft that is.  Now it's NaEdYoShiMo... or National Edit Your Shit Month.

Love the way this book has been stuck for so long, then slowly began to emerge and finally came together as November went on.  

At last we have the origin story of our strong silent superhero and how a black guy could rise to the rank of Oyabun of the Yakuza in Vancouver Canada.

This is set 10 years before "SprawlBall" in 2043 and really breathes life into a character that Jonny McNair played during our Champions RPG games back in the 1980s.

Got some editing to do, some seasoning to sprinkle through the manuscript and a wee bit of tidying up, but I'm quite pleased with the final result and I hope readers will be too.

Follow me on Facebook or Twitter so you're the first to hear when the book goes live on Amazon :-)



Just completed NaNoWriMo 2019

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Paragons Of Virtue Superhero Novels Update

Hi there Believers!

Been a while!

I was working hard on getting my galactic military sci fi novel "Dark Light" finished [featuring a certain muscular female alien who'll hit the streets - literally - very soon] before National Novel Writing Month in November 18, then used that to start the Arubatorosu novel [working title Samurai Soul] and that's been crawling for months. 

Really challenged by this one, trying to keep the vibe of the original masked martial artist with very little to say, while once and for all telling the story of how a black youth rose to the heights of Yakuza Oyabun.

So while that continues to simmer in the stew pot, I'll give you a teaser of Book 8 by letting you see the comic strip version of the Paragons' origin story.  This was the Champions RPG game play of the Vipers' Nest scenario that came in the box, and in this scene its the Combat In Christopher Park - a battle I remember fondly from the late eighties.