It's November 23rd 2017 and the 3rd Paragons of Virtue novel is sitting at 51,000 words.
To be honest I've been working on and off on book 3 since April, but I'm using November as an excuse / justification / motivation to get it done.
Part of me thinks I cheated, cos I had the outline planned out in October. That's why forever more October will be known as...
Take October. Name it “National Story Planning Month.” Whatever you’re going to do in November, you don’t have to go in blind.
NaNoWriMo, short for National Novel Writing Month, happens each year during the month of November. Established in 1999 it encourages participants to begin writing a 50,000 word novel on November 1st to be completed by 11:59 p.m. on November 30th.
And at the moment December shall be called
So keep your eyes peeled for we've got a cool story about a Galactic war, Psychic powers, power and intrigue and the debut of the next paragon to hit the street.
and i do mean "hit"...