Sunday, 10 September 2017

Paragons Of Virtue Superhero Novels Original Comic Strip

Look what I found!

From the mid-eighties comes the first time the Paragons of Virtue superhero team appeared in comic strip form.  Drawn, written and produced by Jonathan Clark as part of the Superhero UK fanzine, this was amateurish and full of in-jokes, but it was an early attempt to turn the role-playing games into a different format that superhero enthusiasts could enjoy.

This first episode features a very drunk Fusion being confronted by his artificially intelligent suit called Spirit [cos Fusion was a drunk] and being ordered to get back to base.  We also see the high class hooker code named Bounty who's written a sign to summon him back.

All very obscure, but is was fun at the time and gives you a taste of the Paragons characters.  I'm hoping that the novels take the Paragons Of Virtue to a whole new level.

Get Paragons Of Virtue Superhero Fiction Novel Free

My second superhero novel "Skin In The Game" will be free on Kindle for the next 5 days starting Sep 11th. Get it here