Sunday, 12 March 2017

New Paragons Of Virtue Novel & A Free book

Good morning - it's Sunday morning as I write this, but it probably isn't when you read it!  Anyways, THREE quick updates on the Paragons Of Virtue Series...

Update 1: The next book in the series is well into the plotting stage as we meet the first female member of the team.  This is a military sci-fi/superhero genre mashup where we go interstellar to explore the origins and motivation of a certain armoured alien who likes to fly through the air at breakneck speed...

Update 2: After getting some feedback from loyal readers, I've gone ahead and uploaded the new cover for "Skin In The Game".  The stitched skin background is fairly disturbing, but I think the addition of Renegade's silhouette on the cover helps with the overall concept.

Update 3:  You can still get SprawlBall, the first Paragons book, free for the next couple of days up to and including March 14th  Here's the link:

Stay tuned for developments with Book 3 and feel free to leave your comments and questions below.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Skin In The Game New Cover For Paragons Series?

Its 2 days since I launched "Skin In the Game".

It's #2 on Top 100 and #27 on

So is now a good time to change the cover?  Probably not.

Here's the original cover, and the new one.

I think the one on the right is a big improvement, but I'm interested in what YOU think.  Comment below :-)