In 2053 superstar SprawlBall player Chase and his team brace themselves for
kick-off, only to find the stadium deserted and the other team slaughtered...
SprawlBall is a
mixture of urban warfare, American football and soccer played in specially
evacuated sections of towns and cities with each side stalking the other
through the streets and buildings in the makeshift arena. Score as many points as possible, but
otherwise… anything goes. It's the semi-final, but what starts as a sport becomes a fight for
survival. This story brings new meaning
to the term "blood sport".
Idolised by the masses, shamed superhero Chase hates all the attention - does
making millions by exploiting his mutant ability make him a bad person? Probably.
But as long as they pay you well, then leave you alone, you will
persevere. At least he’s found an outlet
for his gifts. Others aren’t so lucky.
Now he's trapped in a derelict city precinct with no way out, and the fans
are turning ugly. Nowhere to run,
nowhere to hide. What would you do? Welcome to Granville Island - you're going to
be sorry you ever bought a ticket...
Survival Tips In The Arena:
Stay close to the
Avoid the
Look out for Peeping
Hug the ball to
hide the glow
Never stand in an
open doorway
Always let the
Blocker go first
It's show time!